Empowered Transitions

you and your menopause are welcome here

We believe women in perimenopause and menopause deserve a thriving, well-informed, positive support system that helps empower them through menopause and beyond. Who you surround yourself with, and what you do with those people, impacts your emotional, physical, and spiritual diet which in turn, shapes your beliefs about perimenopause and menopause.

And what you believe, changes how you feel.

By addressing the physical, mental and emotional aspects of this significant life transition, we help you create and connect to the woman you are becoming.

Our programs will help you to up your energy, as well as your physical. and mental health by shifting your perspective about what this major life transition means. For us, menopause isn’t the end of anything, it’s the beginnning of becoming the women we want to be, consciously.

As perimenopausal, menopausal, women we’re surrounded by women going through the same life stage. And, yet, when we took a step back to better understand what was working for us, we realized all three of us practiced yoga, strength training, and creative expression.

As a collective at Empowered Transitions, we support women in menopause through therapeutic writing, strength and fitness training, and therapeutic yoga. Our professional approach empowers women during this transformative phase of life, helping them navigate the changes with grace and strength no matter where they are on their menopause Journey.

We believe in the power of embracing your journey and yourself fully during this transformative stage of life. Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive space for you to share your story with confidence, gain strength in doing it, and know that you are not alone in this experience.